Shinfield and The Community
The South West Wokingham Extended Services Cluster Partnership
Shinfield Infant and Nursery and Shinfield Junior Schools are members of the South West Wokingham Cluster Partnership along with four other local schools.
The Extended Services Cluster Partnership provides the essential collaboration for a 21st century school facilitated by a Cluster Coordinator. It takes a strategic role, and is accountable for its decisions. It identifies needs, sets strategic aims, and agrees,
monitors and reviews the activities that support children and young people within the local community, ensuring that every child and young person in its community does matter.
Additional information including the Terms of Reference is available in the booklet format document below.
Extra Activities
You may also find out more about the extra activities on offer to your children including clubs and out-of-hours care. For more information please click here.
School and Community
Shinfield Infant School has many well developed links with the local community and the wider world. These links have been established through 300 years of the school’s history. At the 2007 celebrations of the school’s tercentenary, we welcomed visitors from all around the world as well as from all over the United Kingdom. Their reports and memories of the school are documented in the school’s History Room. Our weekly newsletters are full of details about the work of the school in the community, and the timeline in the school shows pictures of special events.
Loddon Reach Magazine
We contribute regularly to this publication. Please click here to view.
Further Information
You may find further information on clubs and activities in the area for families at the following selected sites. Please note that the school is not responsible for third party content.