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Shinfield Infant and Nursery School plays an essential role in protecting children from abuse. Staff have close, regular contact with the pupils and are in a strong position to:

  • identify child protection concerns early
  • provide help and support
  • help children understand how to stay safe from abuse
  • refer a child to relevant agencies


Safeguarding responsibilities

Shinfield Infant and Nursery School has a statutory duty to protect children in our care. We have:

  • a child protection policy
  • child protection procedures
  • a designated lead for child protection
  • safe recruitment processes


Safeguarding & Child Protection

Shinfield Infant and Nursery School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all pupils, staff, volunteers, visitors and external agencies to share this commitment.

Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is written with due regard to the Department for Education statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education and a copy of our policy can be found by clicking here.

Should you have any concerns regarding the welfare or safety of a pupil please call 0118 9883389 to speak to Mrs Nicky Lauchlan Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead. If Mrs Lauchlan is unavailable then the Deputy Safeguarding Leads Mrs Summers, Mrs Foldvari or Mrs Wright would be able to assist you. Alternatively, please email [email protected]


Reporting a Concern of Abuse or Neglect

If you have concerns that a child you know is at risk of serious harm through abuse or neglect it is important that you report your worries to the correct agency.

Please contact Wokingham’s Triage Team by email: [email protected] or by phone: 0118 908 8022.

Please contact Reading Triage Team by email: [email protected] or by phone: 0118 937 3641 (Option 1).

This team will use your information to make a decision about how they can best respond to your concerns.

You can also report you concerns to the NSPCC who will offer you support and advice if you are feeling worried about a child’s safety: