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School Activity Fund

School Activity Fund

During the school year many varied activities are offered to your child to enhance the curriculum and add to their enjoyment of school life. These activities are the highlight of many children’s memories of their time at this school.

 Some of the activities we have already completed include:

  • Bollywood Dance workshop
  • Christmas party
  • Easter activities for all children
  • Pancake racing
  • Your child’s school planner
  • Caterpillars for learning about lifecycles
  • Cooking and craft activities
  • Resources for activity days
  • Zoolab Experience
  • Beach day at school in the Summer term
  • Various Art resources, including tin foil for sculptures, vegetables for printing, lolly sticks, ribbon and felt for seasonal crafts
  • Various food items for Design and Technology, including ingredients for food face wraps and breadstick sparklers
  • Australia day – making Anzac cookies and having a go at aboriginal art
  • Food technology – design and make your own pizzas
  • Founders Day Church service at St. Mary’s Church
  • National Meadows Day – visit to the SANG to participate in a guided activity day run by Reading University.
  • Titanic day – taking part in an online learning workshop run by Seacity Museum in Southampton
  • Visit from a local artist – Andrea Stokes, to share her sea-scape art work
  • Visit from Feathers & Fur Falconry Centre
  • Year 2 leavers disco

It is not possible to pay for all these out of our school budget, so we ask if parents would be willing to make a voluntary contribution towards the costs. We have calculated the overall cost of the whole year’s activities to be £30, or £10 a term if preferred.